Humanistic Studies Careers


The Humanistic Studies career group covers all employment related to helping meet the needs of individuals and families. Helping people is the major goal of this career group, and in our modern society, these positions play a very important role in the delivery of services and in the strengthening of communities.

Career in English Literature

There are plenty of options for people who complete their graduation in English Literature. Some of the most prominent...

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Career in Foreign Language

With Indian companies emerging as global players and Indian market being eyed by multinational companies...

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Career as a Child Counsellor

It is very important to understand what child counselling is, it is an assessment of maladaptive behaviour...

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Career in Psychology

Psychology is the study of mind. More precisely, it is scientific and systematic study of human and animal mind, behaviour...

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Career in Counselling

A counsellor is a teacher, confidant, and advisor to his/her clients. Counsellors assist people with personal, family...

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Career in Social Work

Today the society is becoming more and more complex in its working. The prime slogan of today’s world is the...

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Career in Human Rights

The human rights field has huge potential and need for multiple professionals. Work in human rights can be challenging...

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