Accounts & Finance

The accounts & finance industry is a critical sector that employs millions of people. The Accounts & Finance Career includes financial and investment planning, banking, insurance and business financial management. Finance career opportunities are available in every sector of the economy and require skill in organization, time management, customer service and communication.


Business Management & Administration

Business management and administration includes jobs that direct business operations, functions, and finance. Most careers in this career group involve evaluating, managing, and directing operations in order to achieve greater efficiency and yield productive operations. Careers in business management and administration offer some of the most broad-based set of job opportunities. These jobs are cross-disciplinary and industry, meaning that their function can be brought to other industries easily. Management has become one of the most sought after careers today. Career in Management has opened limitless opportunity in diverse spheres with the promise of rewards in the form of good remuneration, status, and scope for professional and personal growth.


Defence & Military

Indian Defence & Military service is a very challenging and honourable career option. It renders invaluable services to the country both in times of war as well as in peace, protecting the security of our nation from external threat. In addition to this, it also contributes towards ensuring the internal security and stability. Patriotism, Motivation and Discipline are the key factors to succeed in this career.


Designing & Art

Careers in art and design are growing in popularity. In fact, the number of professional degrees conferred in the field has increased each year. People in general are not fully aware of the opportunities available. In fact, these occupations are not confined to just the fine arts or studio art.
Careers in art and design are also found in many different areas of business, including production design, consumer services, education, and others. Businesses today are shifting or becoming more and more dependent on technology and Internet marketing, which relies a great deal of visual design to be successful, this is providing a boost in careers related to designing.


Education & Training

In recent years teaching as a profession in India has undergone a radical change and become very specialized. There are teachers specially trained for pre-nursery, primary, secondary, and senior secondary levels. Demand for educators in higher education and skills development presents a very lucrative career.
It is one of the most respected professions, since fate of any nation depends largely on its human resource and the better skilled and educated are its people, the better are the prospects of development and prosperity. The Indian education system as whole leaves much to be desired. With large number of the population still remaining illiterate after more than 50 years of independence, the challenge for educationists really remains daunting.


Engineering & Technology

From a simple needle to sky scrapers, bridges, roads, mobiles, electronic gadgets, complicated machines, robots and spacecraft to super computers all are the gifts of engineering and technology. In this world that is driven by technology, Engineering & Technology have become an integral part of growth and prosperity of any country.
An engineer applies scientific principle, theories and methods not only for finding solutions to technical problems but also in making new discoveries and designing new products and improving and modifying existing machines and systems. With the advancement in science and technology, there has been a tremendous increase in the scope of engineering. We have seen addition of many engineering branches other than traditional streams like Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics.


Humanistic Studies

The Humanistic Studies career group covers all employment related to helping meet the needs of individuals and families. Helping people is the major goal of this career group, and in our modern society, these positions play a very important role in the delivery of services and in the strengthening of communities.


Health Science & Public Health

The careers of Health Science & Public Health in general focus in helping to cure or prevent disease and ailment. A very respectable profession which includes planning, managing, and providing therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development. The health care industry is robust and growing nationwide; however, it is actually experiencing a critical shortage of professionals. These shortages are impacting the quality of care throughout the country. An increased demand for qualified health professionals is expected to continue through the coming years. If you have an interest in working with people who are injured or sick, promoting wellness and sharing knowledge with others, this may be a suitable career for you.


Information Technology

Information Technology (IT) sector is a major part of the economy and allow many other sectors to smoothly complete their daily tasks and routines, providing support to all major industries that use computers. IT careers involve the design, development, support, and management of hardware, software, multimedia, and systems integration services. The IT industry is a dynamic and entrepreneurial working environment that has a revolutionary impact on the economy and society. In addition to careers in the IT industry, IT careers are available in every sector of the economy-from Financial Services to Medical Services, Business to Engineering and Environmental Services. If you have knack for working with cutting edge technology, this is the place for you.



Judiciary represents one of the three wings of governance, other being Legislature and Executive. Judiciary guards the rights of a citizen and as well as upholds the principles of the Constitution. Our constitution provides complete independence to the judiciary. The legal profession has always been held at a high esteem in our country. With the increasing awareness among the masses about their rights and subjects like environment and human rights gaining prominence, the profession has become even more sought after and glamorous lately. Economic liberalization has also created its own demand in the legal profession. Specialists in patent law, tax law and corporate law are in great demand nowadays. The legal profession, like any other profession, has areas of specialization like criminal law, corporate law, civil law, patent law, labour law and tax law etc.


Media & Entertainment

The Indian Media and Entertainment is one of the fastest growing industries and is reflecting the global trend. Generally Media & Entertainment industry are categorized as Films, Television, Music and Journalism. According to a 2009 report published jointly by FICCI and KPMG, the media and entertainment industry in India is likely to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.5 per cent per annum and touch US$ 20.09 billion by 2013. Media in general terms includes Broadcasting with the help of TV and radio, Entertainment with use of audio visuals such as films, videos and games, Internet that includes blogs, forums, music, news, publishing of books, papers, magazines, and it also includes postal mail, telephony and other interactive Media. Thus the scope of a career in this field is vast and varied.


Public Administration & Governance

Irrespective of many high paid job opportunities in India after liberalization, a career in Public Administration & Governance still ranks high as a career option among Indian youth. The power and social status along with job security that a civil servant enjoys is unimaginable anywhere else. Public Administration & Governance constitute all non-military departments of the government machinery, which run State Administration. The Central and the State Civil Servants ensure that the constitutional guarantees and entitlements are brought within the reach of every citizen. The service provides enough scope for a dynamic person with zeal and desire to bring qualitative changes in the functioning of the government and even opportunities which could change the lives of millions of Indians.


Science & Reasearch

These careers of Science & Research in general seek to improve quality of life through innovations in technology, health sciences, or information and communications systems. Careers include positions involved in the physical sciences and study of the natural world, as well as roles involved in the design, production, and engineering.


Travel Tourism & Hospitality

The service based Travel/Tourism and Hospitality is one of the largest industries in terms of employment and revenue. It requires professionals and specialists in various disciplines to cater to the varied needs. The work in the industry essentially involves providing services like boarding, lodging and travelling to people who are away from home, either on business or on holiday. The two most important activities related to the industry are therefore accommodation and travelling i.e. hotel industry and travel trade. The domestic and international travel tourism industry of the country has been increasing and therefore presents a very lucrative career in the industry.


New Age Careers

Technology and ever evolving culture & society has created careers that were never there. These new age careers give youths opportunity and freedom to follow their passion and at the same time make a living out of it.