About Us

Discover your career through knowledge

We at LakshyaDiscover Your Career believe that a good decision is one that is taken based on facts and consultation with experts. Our effort is to help students on their journey of choosing the most suitable Career, through self discovery, and exploration of career inventories.

Self Discovery

Knowing oneself (Self Discovery / Introspection) is the first step towards taking right decisions in life.

Career Opportunities

Once you know yourself, it's time to explore career opportunities of present and future.

Career Selection

The final stage of selecting the most suitable career path for you is to align yourself to the chosen career.

Unleash yourself, relax yourself

Career Selection is a complex process that if done without going through a proper process can result in long term job dissatisfaction and unhappy work life balance in future.

Career Assessment Test

Psychometric, Aptitude, and IQ Tests etc. help students to know more about themselves, their interests, aptitude and capabilities.

Career Counselling

Career Counselling helps students to know and understand various career opportunities that are available in present and future.

Career Selection

The students armed with self discovery and knowledge about various career opportunities are in a better position to make the right decisions.